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Today in Tabs: Graduation Day

Farewell to all that.

And with the official beginning of winter we say farewell to another Tabs Intern. To the family of Intern José: he was diligent and thoughtful, and he gave his all to the sacred cause of newslettering. Before he disappeared into the strangely warm fog that has settled over us in a thick blanket, ending any hope of seeing this year’s Christmas ghosts, he left the following note taped to the wall, hand-written but still in markdown for some reason:

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Basta! Hillary Clinton Is #NotMyAbuela, Twitter Says

A blog post by Hillary Clinton’s campaign comparing the candidate to “your abuela” unleashed a slew of angry #NotMyAbuela tweets.

In an attempt to court two key voter demographics—Hispanics and millennials—Hillary Clinton’s team recently published a listicle on her website titled “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela.” The post sparked a backlash on Twitter, as ham-handed political maneuvers are wont to do, and Hispanic users showed their umbrage with the hashtag #NotMyAbuela.

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