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Fiorina Claims Feds Haven’t Asked Silicon Valley For Encryption Help … But They Have

Contrary to what the Republican candidate claimed in the debate, the FBI has approached tech companies for help circumventing encryption.

Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina claimed in Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate that the Obama Administration hasn’t asked big tech companies for help circumventing encryption in fighting terrorism—but the FBI and other federal agencies have done just that several times.

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Shut Down The Internet? How Plausible Is Donald Trump’s Suggestion?

Republican front-runner Donald Trump says America should shut down ISIS’ access to the Internet. But how?

During tonight’s Republican primary debate, world-class demagogue rhetorician and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said America should shut off ISIS’s access to the Internet. The terror network is disturbingly successful at spreading its propaganda and recruiting via social media. But how practical is Trump’s suggestion?

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Our Star Wars Review: “The Force Awakens” Embraces Millennials Without Pandering

J.J. Abrams’s take on Star Wars reboots the story for a new generation, but avoids over-flattering them.

The Star Wars franchise is the Shakespearean canon of pop culture. Regardless of artistic quality, it plays the same role as the bard’s best tales—exploring stories of good vs. evil in narratives that stay popular for many generations. The Force Awakens, though, is the first reboot made for the millennial generation. It’s not a classic old film that clings to tradition, but a new work that will speak to them. (Episodes I-III, being prequels with few of the same characters, are far removed from the originals.) Saying that, The Force Awakens could have been an irritating piece of cloying millennial pandering. But it’s not.

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How To Be The Person Who Never Misses A Deadline

Missing deadlines is a bad habit that’s easy to fall into, but it hurts your professional reputation. Here’s how to change it.

I’ll be the first one to admit that in certain areas of my life, I have fallen into a pattern of lateness. In fact, as I type these very words, this piece is late, and I can almost feel my editor’s fingers stretching toward her keyboard to send me an all-too-kind email, the heart of which will be, “Yo Kelsey, get your ish together!” Missing deadlines is upsetting, frustrating, moronic, inconsiderate . . . and all too easy. I remember the tipping point in college. It’s 4 a.m., you’re hustling to finish a paper for your 8 a.m. class, and as the effects of the 4-Hour Energy you took at midnight begin to fade, the thought creeps in: “What would actually happen if I didn’t turn this in on time?” Unfortunately, you quickly realize the answer is most likely nothing. At worse, you’re down half a letter grade, and we all know how vital grades are (HAHA).

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College Students Are Renting Out Their Dorm Rooms On Airbnb. What Could Go Wrong?

Plenty . . .

When Eduardo’s roommate moved out of his New York City dorm room before the summer term was finished, Eduardo saw a business opportunity. Here was an empty bed in a city where hotel rooms typically cost more than $200 per night. Renting it on Airbnb made so much sense that it didn’t even seem unusual. “I figured that renting out dorm space would just be a thing to do,” he says.

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