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This SAT Prep Platform Works On Motivation As Much As Content Knowledge

Testive’s tech and coaching model focus on getting students to do what they’d rather put off.

While college entrance exams are now optional for some schools, and the status of the tests has flagged amid discussions of bias and limited predictive value, the SAT and ACT are still important elements of the college admissions process. The belief that it’s in college-bound kids’ best interest to get the highest score they can has resulted in a multibillion-dollar test-prep industry that more than doubled in size between 1998 and 2012. When the SAT changes in January 2016 (it’s going back to two sections and 1,600 points, among other revisions), there’s sure to be extra demand to be on top of the new test.

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Why Women Are Turning To “Blowtox” Injections To Preserve Their Hairdos

Undergoing a medical procedure to prevent sweating during exercise might sound ridiculous—but it’s not all about the hair.

Jeannel Astarita has long, thick hair that gets frizzy when she sweats. It takes her 40 minutes to blow dry it and another 20 minutes to curl it, and she’ll go to great lengths to avoid this routine. That used to mean skipping workouts after work and weekend bike rides with her husband.

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Obama Administration To Open Wearable Tech R&D Center In Silicon Valley

The White House and the Department of Defense are working with the private sector to build flexible, wearable electronics.

The Obama administration and the Pentagon are giving the wearables industry a big push. On Friday, defense secretary Ash Carter will announce that the Department of Defense is investing $75 million in a “flexible hybrid electronics” innovation center in Silicon Valley; in addition to the Pentagon’s contribution, the new institute will receive more than $90 million in funding from academia, corporate interests, and local governments for a total of about $171 million.

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New Installation Invades Central London With 100,000 Balloons

Charles Pétillon’s Heartbeat looks like a giant cumulonimbus cloud hovering above visitors’ heads at London’s Covent Garden.

Paris-based artist Charles Pétillon has a reputation for filling abandoned spaces with ethereal balloon formations. For his first installation in a public space and his largest undertaking to date, Heartbeat, he injects London’s lively and historic Covent Garden with 100,000 hovering white balloons.

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An Ex-Apple Engineer Takes On The Furniture Industry With Couches You Can FedEx

Campaign, a Bay Area startup, yanks buying furniture into the 21st century.

Brad Sewell—formerly a design and manufacturing engineer at Apple—thinks we’re buying furniture all wrong. The problems, as Sewell told Co.Design, lie in high shipping costs, lengthy shipping time, and crappy materials that won’t hold up over the years. His company Campaign, which launched this week, seeks to upend the way we think about our furniture.

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