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How Freelancers Are Fighting For Their Labor Rights

In the absence of unions, creative freelancers are finding new ways to work collectively.

“On average, our members are owed over $10,000 in unpaid invoices and spend 36 hours tracking down each missing payment,” says Freelancers Union founder and labor lawyer Sara Horowitz. She explains that nearly half (44%) of their members report issues in getting paid.

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Why Women Are Turning To “Blowtox” Injections To Preserve Their Hairdos

Undergoing a medical procedure to prevent sweating during exercise might sound ridiculous—but it’s not all about the hair.

Jeannel Astarita has long, thick hair that gets frizzy when she sweats. It takes her 40 minutes to blow dry it and another 20 minutes to curl it, and she’ll go to great lengths to avoid this routine. That used to mean skipping workouts after work and weekend bike rides with her husband.

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This SAT Prep Platform Works On Motivation As Much As Content Knowledge

Testive’s tech and coaching model focus on getting students to do what they’d rather put off.

While college entrance exams are now optional for some schools, and the status of the tests has flagged amid discussions of bias and limited predictive value, the SAT and ACT are still important elements of the college admissions process. The belief that it’s in college-bound kids’ best interest to get the highest score they can has resulted in a multibillion-dollar test-prep industry that more than doubled in size between 1998 and 2012. When the SAT changes in January 2016 (it’s going back to two sections and 1,600 points, among other revisions), there’s sure to be extra demand to be on top of the new test.

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Free Reddit Check Tests Your Online Self For Terribleness

Misogyny. Racism. Reddit can be a bad place. Has it rubbed off on you?

It was the most nervous I’ve been on the Internet in a long time. I barely use Reddit. And when I do, it’s not exactly to share virtual high fives at recently defunct cesspools of racism like #coontown. But typing my username into FreeRedditCheck, knowing that it was about to scan years of my Reddit history and assign me a percentage score for “Terrible.” Bloggers have weird browsing histories, okay?

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How Goodwill Is Refining Its Stores To Appeal To A Wider Audience

The charity organization has been opening stylish, well-curated boutique stores in affluent areas in an effort to expand their retail operation.

Upon entering Rare, a boutique in Anaheim, California, customers are greeted with chicly dressed mannequins and standing racks full of designer clothing. Vintage furniture is arranged in a lounge area in the corner, below a cluster of hanging succulents. In the back of the store, behind a set of very DIY-looking book shelves that double as a reading area, a sign printed on a wall of stacked books boasts, “We are anything but ordinary. We are Rare.”

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