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This Fuseproject-Designed Laptop Charger Is Barely Bigger Than A Roll Of Quarters

Power to the people.

There’s a silent battle happening in cafes, offices, and even your own home. It’s about who lays claim to the valuable power outlets. As we carry more electronics with us and the ball and chain of a regular office desk are unshackled, it’s only natural that demand outweighs supply. (And good luck finding three separate outlets at the airport for your laptop, phone, Kindle, and camera.) Zolt’s Laptop Charger Plus, a pocket-friendly adapter, seeks to make it a little easier to power up multiple devices at the same time.

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Pratt’s “Coded Couture” Goes Beyond Wearables And 3-D Printing In High-Tech Fashion

The exhibition is about how coding can take personalization to the extreme, curator Ginger Gregg Duggan says.

Innovation within the fashion world has yielded some wildly inventive things: generative textile prints, statuesque kicks, and wearables that give you superpowers. But what interests Ginger Gregg Duggan and Judith Hoos Fox—curators of Coded Couture, a forthcoming exhibition at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery—is how designers are using technology as an essential part of their regular creative process.

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Toyota Launching $1 Billion AI Lab . . . And It’s Not Just For Cars

The automaker is hiring robotics expert Gill Pratt—and investing $1 billion in R&D labs near Stanford and MIT.

Toyota has big plans for artificial intelligence—and not just in cars. The automaker is earmarking $1 billion in funds for a new subsidiary called the Toyota Research Institute (TRI). The R&D firm will focus on building artificial intelligence products for automobiles and the home.

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Instagram Testing 3D Touch Ads

Instagram appears to be testing using the iPhone’s newest functionality to make better ads.

Instagram is experimenting with new advertisements that use the iPhone’s 3D Touch functionality. The advertisements, which are believed to be still in the testing and development phase, let customers apply added force to their clicks in order to browse between multiple photos.

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The Politics of Silicon Valley

In part 1 of this new series, Gregory Ferenstein explores the belief systems of Silicon Valley’s elite, from immigration to education.

Over the course of my career as a technology journalist, I’ve found that Silicon Valley is home to a unique political and moral ideology: a pro-business liberalism that often gets mistaken as libertarianism. Philosophically, people who found Internet startups (“founders”) are best described as idealists: They believe that there is always a better solution to problems, a solution that benefits most people and reduces conflict.

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The Way We Experience Art Is Changing–And Brands Can Capitalize On The Disruption

We talked to some of the most forward-thinking influencers we know to find out why art is changing, and how brands should change with it.

A conversation about the future is inseparable from a conversation about technology. The increasing role of and dependence on smart devices and the quickening march toward an absolute Internet of Things that simultaneously maps where we are and where we’re going—the world of tomorrow has never seemed so close to today.

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Can This Baking Genius Make A Gluten-Free Bread That Doesn’t Suck?

As head baker of Panera Bread, Tom Gumpel is at work on an almost impossible task. We asked an expert to taste test his GF progress.

One day earlier this year, Tom Gumpel left work feeling terrible. The head baker of Panera Bread—the Downton Abbey of fast food with a nice classy-to-trashy ratio—Gumpel had been tasked with coming up with a gluten-free product for the company to offer. But he’d failed. What’s more, he didn’t even know if success was possible. He didn’t know what to do next. He wasn’t even particularly interested in doing anything gluten free. He was a baker, after all, not a trend follower!

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