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European Teens Under 16 Could Be Barred From Snapchat And Instagram

On Tuesday, the European Parliament votes on a law that could move the age of consent for social media from 13 to 16.

If Instagram is “life” for today’s teens, a new proposal in Europe could represent an existential crisis for them. When the European Parliament rules on a new regulation Tuesday, all teens under the age of 16 could be booted off their preferred social media platforms.

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The Morning After Your Company’s Holiday Party

Because it’s too obvious if you call in sick.

The worst part of your company’s holiday party? The morning after. We invited some New York comedians to help us show the myriad of ways the morning after your holiday party can be uncomfortable — from not being able to make eye contact with your colleagues, to maybe hooking up with someone you can’t quite remember, to the accidental overshare, watch this video and use it as a cautionary tale!

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Today in Tabs: Light The Tabs On Fire

Today in McKay Coppins’s tweets

Jack Shafer says it’s ok to cover Donald Trump incessantly so here we go again. At a rally in Las Vegas last night, increasingly violent and deranged supporters of the luxuriously healthy demagogue yelled things like “light the motherfucker on fire” and “Sieg heil” as protesters were dragged out by either security thugs or just regular freelance thugs. Gawker‘s ace political newshound Sam Biddle broke the story, reporting on McKay Coppins‘s tweets. BuzzFeed was beaten to the scoop but managed to file 20 minutes later, with Michelle Broder Van Dyke reporting on McKay Coppins‘s tweets. Mic‘s Luke Brinker followed up this morning, reporting on McKay Coppins‘s tweets. And even those weary dinosaurs of print and TV managed to get in on the story, with the LA Times‘s Kurtis Lee and NBC‘s Benjy Sarlin somehow reporting on their own tweets, which is obviously why legacy media is losing.

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