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Basta! Hillary Clinton Is #NotMyAbuela, Twitter Says

A blog post by Hillary Clinton’s campaign comparing the candidate to “your abuela” unleashed a slew of angry #NotMyAbuela tweets.

In an attempt to court two key voter demographics—Hispanics and millennials—Hillary Clinton’s team recently published a listicle on her website titled “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela.” The post sparked a backlash on Twitter, as ham-handed political maneuvers are wont to do, and Hispanic users showed their umbrage with the hashtag #NotMyAbuela.

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Gift Ideas For The Grown-Up Stoner In Your Life

Have yourself a very green Christmas—and please use legally (and responsibly)!

In 2015, pot began to grow up. With legalization elections anticipated next November for between 5 and 10 states, companies are thinking about how to attract new customers, especially older and female ones. It’s too early to know for sure just how well their efforts are working, but they have released products that seem more informed by attractive, minimalist design than by the drug’s more familiar seedy image. Call it the sex-toy strategy.

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