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The Psychology Behind Why People Steal Their Coworkers’ Stuff

You spend every day with these people, people who likely would never steal outside of the office. So why is your yogurt always going missing?

It happens in every workplace. You put a sandwich with your name on it in the office refrigerator, but by lunchtime it’s gone. Your stapler mysteriously wanders off in the night. Your cool new headphones vanish from your cubicle never to be seen again.

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What Parenthood Taught Me About Being A Better Manager

From dealing with tantrums to negotiating bed time, one parent shares how kids taught him to be a better manager.

Sometimes being a manager can feel like you’re a parent to a whole company of children. My former boss, who didn’t have any biological children, used to say she had six kids—the exact number of people under her leadership. Ian Durston, father of three and author of Everything I Needed to Know About Management, I Learned From My Kids says being a father helped him improve his management skills.

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Love Vs. Tinder: Why Modern Matchmakers Thrive In The Age Of The Right Swipe

As dating apps make meeting people easier than ever, matchmakers focus on not widening the pool, but narrowing it.

The crowd gathered around the Gansevoort Park Hotel’s swanky rooftop bar has been invited to “Join Manhattan’s most beautiful young professionals for a one evening only art and jazz event,” but it’s clear that most attendees care more about the beautiful young professionals than the art or jazz. As they jockey for drink-ordering position, a few narrowly avoid stepping on the three-piece band. One literally backs into a painting as he starts a conversation with a pretty brunette.

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These Creative Kids Designed A Way To Measure All The Plastic In The Ocean

Not content with the usual beach cleanups, they came up with a sensor that scans the ocean for trash.

It’s hard to know exactly how much plastic trash is floating around in the ocean—one recent estimate was five trillion pieces, but most of the tiny scraps haven’t been measured yet. Researchers may soon have a better answer thanks in part to the creative work of kids as young as five.

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A New App Offers The Simplest Way To Track Your Instagram Growth

From the founders of Exposure, Statshot sends you a clean, clear breakdown of your instagram statistics right to your inbox.

Instagram is becoming an increasingly powerful marketing tool for brands, and there are already a slew of analytics tools out there to help them quantify the reach of their posts. But none do so quite as beautifully as the recently launched Statshot, a clean, intuitive breakdown of Instagram metrics sent in the form of a daily email.

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Casio’s Latest Calculator Is The Best-Looking Number Cruncher Since Dieter Rams

Too bad it costs as much as the iPhone that made it obsolete.

Along with every other gadget it has killed off (cameras, radios, GPS units, etc.), the smartphone hasn’t been very friendly to our good friend, the calculator. But Casio’s hoping that design will make you want to buy a calculator again: their new S100 flagship calculator puts a premium on materials and craftsmanship to try to get you to forget that your iPhone comes with a calculator app for free.

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These Memphis-Inspired House Goods Are A Nostalgic Nod To The ’80s

Camille Walala’s bold patterns and bright colors adorn everything from tableware to shelves in her collection for London store Aria.

Designer Camille Walala’s colorful, eye-popping graphic patterns can be found on the facades of buildings all over London, inside Urban Outfitters and even in a Katy Perry video. Now she’s adapting them to furniture and housewares for her latest collection for the London shop Aria.

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