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KaloBios Files for Bankruptcy After Former CEO Martin Shkreli’s Arrest

KaloBios Pharmaceuticals had previously taken strategic investment from Shkreli.

The bad news keeps on coming for business associates of Martin Shrekli, the “bad boy” of pharmaceuticals who made a name for himself earlier this year when he hiked up the price of an AIDS drug from $13.50 to $750. Less than two weeks after it fired Shkreli as CEO, South San Francisco-based cancer drug research company KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Inc. filed for bankruptcy.

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7 Secrets Of People Who Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions

Make your resolutions stick with these tips from those who know how to do it right.

Making resolutions is a popular holiday tradition, but keeping those resolutions past the first week in January is the hard part. Statistic Brain, using data from the University of Scranton, says while 45% of Americans regularly make New Year’s resolutions only 8% actually keep them. So, how do those 8% do it?

Here are some of the best tips from people who successfully keep their New Year’s resolutions:

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These Epic Holiday Bonuses Will Inspire You To Do Better By Your Employees

Handing someone a $100 dollar check mid-December just does not cut it, folks. And in the end, it’s good for the company, too.

Annual, predetermined, lump-sum holiday bonuses are not an effective means of rewarding employees for a job well done. And employers have begun to realize that the annual gift of cash does little to improve employee satisfaction, recruiting, and retention, especially when the gift is expected.

According to a recent study by, only 17% of those who are expecting a holiday bonus this year intend to enjoy the extra cash in the form of a gift. Instead, 76% intend to use their bonus to pay off bills, their debt load, or add it to their savings. What’s more, only a quarter of Americans are even expecting a pay raise or bonus this holiday season.

With the traditional lump-sum holiday bonus in decline, some organizations have found more creative and generous ways to show their appreciation during the holiday season. Here are five examples of how companies are raising the bar on holiday gift giving.

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