The floatee gets a makeover, thanks to Kingii.
If you abide by the mantra of safety first, consider the Kingii, a gadget that will rocket a struggling swimmer above water, courtesy of a CO2-filled balloon.
The floatee gets a makeover, thanks to Kingii.
If you abide by the mantra of safety first, consider the Kingii, a gadget that will rocket a struggling swimmer above water, courtesy of a CO2-filled balloon.
The Harvard law professor says America’s political system needs an emergency intervention. Can he pull it off?
Over the last 20 years of talking about the problem of big money in politics, Congress hasn’t actually voted to do anything about it, and it’s unlikely that they will anytime soon. So Harvard University law professor Lawrence Lessig has cooked up a crazy plan to force some change: He’s trying to crowdfund a presidential campaign focused on the single issue of campaign finance reform.
Is Medium in trouble? Facebook’s latest update makes it easier to create longform posts within the social network.
Facebook’s Notes feature is getting a major upgrade.
Now in its fourth year, the program helps the U.S. government approach problems like a lean startup.
Today, President Obama signed an executive order to make the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program a permanent facet of the federal government.
Microsoft is encouraging makers to build security systems, automated lighting controls, and other “Internet of Things” gadgets on Windows 10.
Apple and Google won the first battle for the “post-PC” world, with Android and iOS powering virtually every handheld gadget. Microsoft Windows scarcely registers its presence on mobiles, at under 3% market share (according to comScore). But Microsoft is fighting hard for the next round, which will bring online factory machinery, security systems, climate controls, electronic door locks, and just about every other gadget into the Internet of Things (otherwise known as the IoT).
The parent company of television shopping network QVC is making a bet on Zulily, an online shopping site popular with moms.
Zulily, named one of Fast Company‘s most innovative companies in retail this year, is being purchased by the parent company of home shopping network QVC. The flash sale site has floundered in recent months, despite racking up $1 billion in sales during 2014.
Every sign tells a story, according to the Cooper Union’s Alexander Tochilovsky.
When you walk down the streets of New York City, you aren’t walking just through the present. You are surrounded by the canyon walls of the past, and the signage around you—the building names, the business signs, the faded slogans—are actually fossils, peeking out from the strata of decades gone by into the present.
Partnering with select restaurants, the ride-sharing app can get meals to you in a matter of minutes.
Uber is making it a lot easier to get lunch delivered with just a few taps. In the ride-hailing app’s most recent update, UberEATS, the company’s food-delivery system, is being featured at the very top of the app.
Power posture (head up, shoulders back) can not only improve your health but have an impact on your chances for success.
You’ve probably heard that sitting is the new smoking. And American workers spend a lot of time sitting. But in addition to the health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, our bad posture can affect our health, mood, productivity, and even success.
There are plenty of ways to do creative and fulfilling work and make a decent living.
In the popular view of the labor market, there are two kinds of careers. Some are well-paid but soul crushing. Others are fun, creative, meaningful—and pay sums that will keep you in your parents’ basement for the rest of your life.