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Burger King Rises Above McWhopper Rejection With A Bigger Peace Day Burger Team

As BK, Denny’s, Wayback Burgers, Krystal, and more join forces, McDonald’s silence is deafening.

Well, that escalated quickly. What began as a friendly proposal between two brand rivals has become a much larger collaboration, as Burger King accepted offers from a handful of fellow food chains to collaborate on a burger to raise awareness for the UN’s International Day of Peace.

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4 Lessons In Storytelling From a Screenwriter Who’s Also a D&D Dungeon Master

Filmmaker and D&D devotee Matthew Robinson talks about what screenwriting and the fantasy roleplaying game have in common.

They say writers shouldn’t hesitate to kill their darlings. It’s not an invitation to actual homicide, but a plea for the willingness to jettison any element of a story, even if you love it like a friend. That’s just one of the many work-hazards writers share with those in charge of Dungeons and Dragons games—a dungeon master has to kill off his or her friends all the time.

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Are You Good At Public Speaking?

Take your presentation to the next level.

Most people hate public speaking. Luckily, there are a few tricks and guidelines to help us get over our fear and become dynamic and engaging speakers. Is it better to prepare and read through every line of your presentation, or to save room for spontaneity? Is it preferable to stay in one fixed spot or to move around? Watch the above video and find out these tips and much more.

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IBM And Chip Designer ARM Want To Monitor Every Device They Can

Cloud computing and mobile chip giants aim to master the Internet of things by crunching data from fitness gear, smart TVs, cars and more.

The term “Internet of things” is a bit like “Web 2.0” was a decade ago—a buzzword for some big change in the Internet that no one can clearly describe. But as the Supreme Court once said of pornography, you know it when you see it. On a fundamental level, the IoT is about collecting data from everything—fitness bands, smoke alarms, weather sensors, cars, oil wells, even TVs and cellphones—and analyzing it to provide insights for people, companies, or marketers.

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Four Types Of Words That Are Unintentionally Damaging Your Credibility

Words like “maybe” and “just” may seem harmless, but using certain types of words can change the way you’re perceived.

You have the title, the expertise, and the know-how, but the way you speak may be the one thing that stands in your way of success. Deborah Tannen, professor of linguistics at Georgetown University and author of Talking From 9 to 5: Women and Men at Work, says by paying attention to the words we use when speaking with others at the office, we can boost our credibility.

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Here’s What We Know About The New Apple TV

The upcoming Apple TV adds universal search—and takes aim at Roku’s and Amazon’s wares.

The details of Apple TV’s new iteration, which will make its debut at the Apple event on September 9, continue to trickle out. Given what we’ve heard thus far, the company is essentially infusing Apple TV with functions already found in competitors like Roku and Amazon Fire TV, all while putting Siri’s contextual technology and Apple’s marketing muscle behind the product.

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