The host of a late-night comedy show about sports is using her platform to take on some not-very-funny issues.
“Garbage time” is what happens in a blowout game when teams send in their second-string players. It’s also the name of former YouTube vlogger Katie Nolan‘s weekly sports and pop-culture comedy show, which premiered in early 2015 and airs on cable channel Fox Sports 1. Though Garbage Time With Katie Nolan is shot in a closet-size New York studio, it’s gained outsize attention thanks to the outspoken Nolan, who’s the only woman to solo-host a national sports opinion show.
Fast Company: Garbage Time breaks the format of traditional sports programming. Instead of doing commentary or news, you’re asking NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. to do dramatic readings from Mad Men or ranking the staleness of hockey-stadium pretzels. How did you develop that approach?