The best things on and off the Internet this week, curated by Fast Company employees.

Name: Joshua Lieberman
Twitter: @joshualieberman
Role at Fast Company: Software/Web developer. I have already had the chance to lead on two big projects since I joined Fast Company in October 2014. I wrote the front-end code (code that processes and formats data for a browser to present) on our new mobile site and am currently leading the front-end for a top-secret but much bigger project.
Titillating Fact: It usually surprises people that I once had a go as a figure skater. I’m a pretty big guy now and not exactly graceful, but up until I was about 13, I was doing competition “ice dancing” (my mom’s preferred name for the sport). I only ever wore all black outfits, and stole the hearts of judges throughout the region. I also have a rat tattoo on my ribcage and am a big fan of Mariah.