AAA: Mich. gas prices jump 50 cents in past week to $3
Lights, Camera, Liftoff: Drone Film Fest Coming To San Francisco
The Flying Robot International Film Festival will showcase the best films shot using drones.
Got a terrific film you’ve made with footage from your drone? There may be finally be a theater full of people waiting to watch it.
Tech Giants: Here’s What The FTC Means By “Competition”
The Federal Trade Commission (sort of) explains how exactly it defines anti-trust behavior.
This may be good news for leading tech firms: For the first time in more than a century, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has defined what “competition” means and what constitutes “anti-competitive behavior.” The decision is significant for companies like Google, Facebook, Intel, and Apple, which have all received unwanted scrutiny from the FTC—though it may not clear things up as much as they would like.
How To Make Doing What You Love More Lucrative
There are plenty of ways to do creative and fulfilling work and make a decent living.
In the popular view of the labor market, there are two kinds of careers. Some are well-paid but soul crushing. Others are fun, creative, meaningful—and pay sums that will keep you in your parents’ basement for the rest of your life.
3 Surprising Ways Your Posture Impacts Your Success
Power posture (head up, shoulders back) can not only improve your health but have an impact on your chances for success.
You’ve probably heard that sitting is the new smoking. And American workers spend a lot of time sitting. But in addition to the health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, our bad posture can affect our health, mood, productivity, and even success.
Despite What You’ve Heard, The World Is Getting Better (But Don’t Get Too Complacent)
Global poverty, health, and education are getting better. Climate change, extremism, and inequality are getting worse. The balance is positive—for now.
Is the world improving or deteriorating? Are people’s lives getting better or worse? Should we be optimistic or pessimistic about the future? No doubt, you can make a case either way. But according to a big new report about the state of the planet, there might be more positives than negatives. The world is mostly getting better, though, of course, we face many challenges.
5 Great Free Apps for Your One-Person Business
Take notes, organize meetings, send out invoices, and more.
One-person shops, we salute you! You’ve singlehandedly got the sales, marketing, support, development, accounting, and legal departments humming together like a well-oiled machine before you’ve even had your first sip of coffee each day.