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Staff Recommender: Tyler Adams, Who Can Identify Every Country From Its Amorphous Blob

The best things on the Internet this week, curated by Fast Company employees.

Tyler AdamsPhoto: Celine Grouard for Fast Company

Name: Tyler Adams
Role at Fast Company: Web developer. I help build and maintain the functioning and appearance of this beautiful site.
Twitter: @tyleraadams
Titillating Fact: I spent time in Kampala, Uganda interviewing members of gay and lesbian groups for a research project shortly before legislation was proposed to make homosexuality an act punishable by life in prison. Even then, we were careful during interviews to speak softly in public, so as to not endanger anyone. Fortunately, that legislation was recently ruled unconstitutional by the Ugandan Supreme Court.

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Member of Va. Beach hardware family coming home

A Virginia Beach upbringing anchored by family traditions helped shape the success of Bob Taylor, who will retire in January as president and CEO of Do it Best, Corp.
The 3,800 member business cooperative has $3 billion in buying power and is located in Fort Wayne, Ind.

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Survey: U.S. gasoline price holds steady over past 2 weeks

The average price of gasoline has remained steady over the past two weeks, holding at $2.71 a gallon.
Industry analyst Trilby Lundberg said Sunday that while the average remains unchanged, many Midwest cities saw prices jump due to a partial shutdown of an Indiana refinery. Many West Coast cities experienced price drops.

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