Gotta catch ’em all!
Designers collect color palettes the way gamers collect Pokémon. So why not let designers collect palettes while capturing Pokémon? Boom. It’s called Pokémon Palettes. So now you can.
Women, legally barred from driving in the country, make up 70-90% of the service’s customer base.
Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive, leaving them reliant on male relatives or paid services to get to stores, school, and (increasingly) work. So when Uber launched in Riyadh in early 2014, its impact went beyond the general convenience of tech-enhanced ride hailing. The company has made a real difference in Saudi women’s mobility.
But it looked so fun!
What if going in for a medical checkup didn’t involve waiting in a sterile white room decorated with cotton balls and otoscope attachments? What if, instead, you could step up to play a game, as if you’re visiting an old-school arcade?
At Divergent Microfactories, building a car chassis looks a little like playing with super-strong Tinkertoys.
Think of pollution from cars, and you probably imagine gas or diesel exhaust. But manufacturing a car, alone, can add up to an even bigger carbon footprint than years of driving around. So one startup is taking a new approach to building a greener car: Instead of focusing on tailpipe emissions, they’re radically rethinking what happens in the factory.
Without great content, virtual reality hardware will go nowhere. So Samsung and others are taking matters into their own hands.
Samsung today became the latest entrant in a growing field of companies and organizations supporting and fostering the creation of independent virtual reality content.
Dress up photos with effects that can be hyper-realistic, utterly fantastic—or somewhere in between.
Corel Painter is a quarter-century old, which makes it nearly as venerable as Adobe’s Photoshop. The software—originally known as Fractal Painter—originated the idea of creating art on a computer with tools that look like real-world art supplies: oil paint, watercolors, pens, and much more. It’s been refining that concept and expanding on it ever since.
Following a typically smart diatribe about sex ed, Oliver’s PSA features stars from whom you’d most want to learn about sex.
It used to be that sex ed would make kids giggle because of all the forbidden nudity that was finally revealed. Now these videos are laughably bad because of all that they conceal—but the results aren’t very funny. (Pregnant teens and STDs.)
Adobe just announced that new parents can take up to 26 weeks, with pay. But there are some caveats.
On the heels of Netflix’s major update to its parental leave policy, Adobe is announcing its own effort to improve the way it treats new parents on its staff.
With travel mode, Snapchat users can cut back on data when using the app abroad.
Max out your data plan too often? Snapchat has a fix for you: The messaging app has unveiled a travel mode option that will only load Snaps, Stories, and Discovery content when users tap on them instead of automatically doing so. The update is aimed at customers with limited data plans, as well as people who are traveling to foreign countries.