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Google The Best Of The Worst In Corporate Accountability Report

Google’s honor is dubious. A new study shows the world’s largest tech and telecommunications firms are not protecting users enough.

No one enjoys reading the long, dense, and legalese-filled terms of services of large tech companies. However, research initiative Ranking Digital Rights did—and found that the world’s biggest tech companies are falling short when it comes to user privacy and freedom of speech. The nonprofit initiative surveyed companies including Google, Yahoo, Vodafone, and AT&T for the project.

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Meat processor recalling 167,427 pounds of ground beef

A meat company based in Nebraska is recalling 167,427 pounds of ground beef that might be tainted with E. coli bacteria.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture said Sunday that All American Meats Inc. is recalling the meat that was sold to retailers nationwide. No illnesses have been linked to the beef.

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Chip credit cards could slow holiday shopping

As the calendar flips to November and visions of Black Friday dance in their heads, holiday shoppers using new, more secure chip credit and debit cards will be learning a new checkout procedure.
While the added security might be welcome, new cards could mean more frustration and slower checkout lines during the bustle of holiday shopping.

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