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Airport Stores Agree To Stop Selling Drones After Plea From Port Authority

Drones are technically banned at airports, but Brookstone and Hudson News sold the small aircraft to travelers.

Two stores that operate at New York and New Jersey airports are removing drones from their shelves at those locations, after local authorities demanded that they stop offering the merchandise—rightfully so, since drones have caused almost 700 near collisions with airplanes in 2015, as the Washington Post revealed Thursday.

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How To Make Your Stress Work In Your Favor

Change the way you think about your fight-or-flight reaction and make it work for you.

Sometimes, stress can seem like a full-time job. Many of us try to avoid it or, failing that, manage or mitigate it. But, Kelly McGonigal, a lecturer at Stanford University and author of The Upside of Stress, makes the case for embracing the stress in your life.

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The Scheduling Secret That Will Make Your Team More Productive

Creating core hours for remote and in-office employees can help your team maximize their time and come up with their best ideas.

During the dust-up over Yahoo ending work-from-home arrangements a few years ago, people on both sides had plenty of research to point to. Working face-to-face does often produce more innovative solutions. On the other hand, remote workers are generally more productive. So what’s an organization that needs innovation and productivity to do?

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One Way To Compete With Amazon In E-Commerce: Personality

Gift-box delivery service Man Crates is funny so that you don’t have to be.

If you order Man Crates’s $49.99 “Snack Sensei” gift box, it will arrive in a cardboard box that contains a sealed plywood crate, a mini crowbar, and a card that says, “If at first you don’t succeed, pry, pry again.” It will not be easy to open. And by the time your boyfriend, father, brother, or other male-person gift recipient has actually applied the necessary amount of force, he will have created “a scene.” A crowd of coworkers will be gathered around his desk (because, let’s be real, you’ve sent this potential spectacle to the office), and splinters of wood will sit scattered on his carpeted cubicle floor like small monuments to his middle-America brand of manliness. Hammers will probably be involved.

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