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7 Absurdist Gadgets That Explore Our Relationship With Technology

Just imagine if gadgets were designed by Pee-Wee Herman.

We live in the full throes of the electric age. Why do all our gadgets look the same, then? Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Dan Adlešič was sick of the sleek-but-boring rectangles of glass, plastic, and aluminum that make up the material geometry of pretty much every 21st-century gadget. Instead, he has imagined a series fictional appliances that look like they just came from Pee-Wee’s Playhouse: surrealist devices that are meant to re-awake our sense of wonder in the electric age.

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Why Chinese Drone Giant DJI Is Opening A Silicon Valley R&D Lab

DJI wants to find the best robotics engineers in the Valley, and keep an eye out for potential partners and investments while they’re at it.

China’s DJI, the world’s largest maker of consumer drones, is opening a Silicon Valley research and development center in hopes of harnessing the wealth of robotics talent in the area…and identifying potential new partners and investment targets in the process.

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