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Apple’s Marc Newson Designs Some Very Jetsonian Kitchen Appliances

The prolific industrial designer brings his space-age aesthetic to your counter top.

Marc Newson, the prolific designer whose portfolio includes everything from pens and power boats to jetpacks and, most recently, the Apple Watch, has turned his hand to kitchen appliances. His matching toaster and kettle set for venerable Australian house goods company Sunbeam is decidedly more low-tech than the projects he’s working on with longtime pal Jony Ive, but still has an unmistakable Newsonian flare.

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Who’s Leaving Mysterious Messages On Old Marquees Across The U.S.?

Meet the Jenny Holzer of small-town America.

Whenever photographer Victoria Crayhon goes on a road trip, she makes sure to bring along a few packets of marquee letters. That way, if she comes across an old movie or motel marquee sign that looks like it’s seen better days, she can leave her own clever inscription on it. Over the past 14 years, Crayhon has left her roadside messages on signs all across the country and documented them in her brilliant photo series Thoughts On Romance From The Road.

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The Helmets From “Star Wars” Redesigned For Elephants, Hippos, And Rhinos

“A long time ago, in an African savannah far, far away…”

Although there’s plenty of aliens in the Star Wars canon, most of the main heroes and villains look human. But why human? The universe existed a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. In that context, it would make just as much logical sense for these characters to look like elephants, hippos, or rhinoceroses as it would for them to be human.

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