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5 Inevitable Career Setbacks That Will Help You Succeed Later In Life

If you’re early in your career, you likely haven’t faced many setbacks yet, but there are a lot of lessons in failure and hardship.

Among the good times, your college years are also filled with moments of hair-pulling and the occasional screaming in frustration at the top of your lungs. Back then, you probably asked yourself, “Why is this happening to me?!” but with the passing of time, your mind-set shifts. The stress, sadness, or anger that you once felt was replaced with understanding—and even a lesson learned. Here, three millennials share their in-the-moment nightmares that eventually helped them overcome:

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Are Linguistics The New Forefront Of Diversity Initiatives?

Women are criticized for vocal fry, and hiring managers are biased against accents. Building the case for linguistic diversity at work.

Lately, much attention has been paid to how women—especially young women—speak. Linguistic styles like vocal fry and “upspeak” or “uptalk” have been examined—first for the irritation they cause some people, then for how women are more frequently criticized for such vocal habits than men, even though there’s no evidence that men are any less likely to speak this way.

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Gig Economy Companies Pledge To Improve Jobs

A new pledge asks digital economy companies to commit to creating “good work.” But what does that mean?

Many workers who take jobs on “gig economy” platforms like Uber, Handy, Instacart, and Taskrabbit are independent contractors who aren’t entitled to the same benefits, insurance, and other social programs as their on-staff peers. Requiring (or even allowing) platforms to provide this type of safety net might be a matter of policy, but the National Domestic Workers Association (NDWA) thinks that platforms can and should do more to help their workers.

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Think You’re Important At Work? A Robot Could Probably Do Your Job Today

And guess what? It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO or a minimum wage worker.

Over the last few years, we’ve heard a lot about how artificial intelligence could put large numbers of people out of work. An often-cited study from Oxford University found that 47% of jobs in America are at “high risk of computerization” in the next 20 years. And more recent research from Forrester predicts a net loss of 9.1 million jobs in the next decade.

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