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Why The Golden Gate Bridge Is Orange

Dave Eggers partners with illustrator Tucker Nichols on a new children’s book detailing the Golden Gate Bridge’s surprising color history.

Imagine this: It’s 1933 and construction has begun on the world’s longest and tallest suspension bridge over the Golden Gate Strait, the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. Years of planning, rigorous engineering, and debate have gone into the design. The 80 miles of galvanized steel needed for the two main towers of the bridge have been ordered, as well as the 1.2 million steel rivets that will hold the bridge together. Workers have started to plunge the towers into the foundation in the sea floor, and yet, there’s one important detail still missing. The color.

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Track Your Baby’s Temperature With A Cool Stick-On Tattoo

Fever Scout is like a medical device given a Nike makeover.

It’s 3 a.m., and your baby is crying. You go into the room and realize he’s burning up. The options from here are bleak—probe your thrashing child with a steel-tipped rectal thermometer, or swipe across his head with an unreliable skin thermometer. And even if he’s in the safe range and falls back asleep, chances are good you’ll be up for the rest of the night worrying.

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Where ISIS Attacks

And how the terrorist group’s coordinated attacks in Paris represent a disturbing turn of events

ISIS has marched across the Middle East and North Africa, recruiting fighters in what has seemed a frightening, if largely contained, threat. But a new set of visualizations on the New York Times suggests that things might have changed with last week’s Paris attacks. If ISIS is indeed responsible as it has claimed, it’s the first time the organization has launched an organized attack outside of its normal provinces.

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Apple And Amazon May Face Antitrust Charges In Germany Over Audiobooks Deal

German regulators are investigating claims that Apple’s agreement with Amazon subsidiary Audible has helped it monopolize audiobook sales.

Germany’s competition regulator, the Federal Cartel Office, has launched an investigation into the deal Apple inked years ago with Audible, the Amazon-owned audiobooks company, according to Reuters. The probe should address allegations that Apple’s agreement with the tech company has given Amazon an unfair advantage in the audiobooks business in Germany.

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Uber’s New Feature Makes Commuting Home A Little Sweeter For Drivers

Uber now lets drivers pick up passengers headed in the same direction as them.

Car-hailing startup Uber’s latest new feature, currently available only in the San Francisco Bay Area, is aimed at drivers who are beginning or ending their shifts. Uber drivers in the Bay Area now have access to a destination setting feature that lets them pick up only riders who wish to travel in the same general direction they are headed.

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