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How Ingenious Fake Elephant Tusks Helped Track The Illegal Ivory Trade

Implanted with GPS and given to unsuspecting poachers, the tusks tell the story of how poaching funds warlords in Africa.

When Bryan Christy, an investigative journalist for National Geographic, wanted to dive into the ivory trade—finding out what happens to the tusks from the 30,000 African elephants that are killed each year—he realized that he wouldn’t be able to safely follow the tusks as they traveled from warload to warload in places like South Sudan. So he came up with an ingenious solution: a fake tusk implanted with custom GPS.

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The Branding Gods (Mostly) Love Google’s New Logo

We asked some of the biggest names in branding for their take on the Google logo. They love the motion, but some question the word mark.

Google revealed a new logo yesterday, and in our book, it’s pretty great. With a smoother, sans serif typeface, it’s built to shrink legibly to fit the smallest screens. But the bigger story is its animated interaction language—the fact that it can morph into a series of dots that can convey anything from “Google is listening” to “Google is searching for nearby ice cream.”

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Amazon’s Latest Gambit To Get Dash Buttons Into Your Home

Pay $5 for a Dash button, and you’ll get $5 back from Amazon once you make a purchase.

In July, Amazon officially debuted its Dash button: an Internet-connected, branded, physical button that orders refills of various products with a single press. As of Wednesday, the e-commerce giant is making the Dash button program available to all Prime subscribers—and giving you a rebate that essentially refunds the price of the button.

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