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Bobble’s Fake Water Brand Brilliantly Spoofs Millennial Advertising Cliches

“Once” is for the young, footloose, fancy free . . . and environmentally bankrupt.

If you watch enough advertising aimed at anyone aged 14 to 30, certain patterns of tone, image, and style emerge. Young people, just livin’ the good life, embracing the moment, seizing the day and all that. To draw attention to the huge amount of waste created by single-use plastic water bottles, reusable bottle brand Bobble has tapped all these well-tread commercial cliches to reach the exact same audience.

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Overbook Yourself: 7 Productivity Tips From Writer/Producer/Hustler Jensen Karp

Karp is one of the hardest working people in entertainment. As his new web series, Baby Talk, launches, he talks about getting it all done.

Being ridiculously crazy-busy is exhausting. We all know this, it’s why vacations exist. But apparently, there’s a mythic level of high-functionality that only a select few tend to reach—one so intense, it’s exhausting to even witness. Take Jensen Karp, for instance. (Or try taking him, anyway; Jensen has so much going on right now, he’s not likely budging.)

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This App Lets You Control Your Smartphone By Drawing

Mouse gestures never made sense on PCs, but they’re awesome on Android.

Long before we started swiping and tapping on touch screens, mouse gestures were touted as the humanist way of interacting with our computers. Simple patterns you traced on screen by holding a mouse button in order to perform a shortcut, companies like Opera spent a lot of effort trying to make mouse gestures happen, but it never did, mostly because clicking a button or swiping on a trackpad is always going to be a quicker way to do something on a PC than memorizing and executing an obscure command glyph.

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In Wake Of The Paris Attacks, The FCC Chairman Wants To Expand Wiretapping

The attacks carried out by ISIS in Paris last Friday have revived conversations about access to encrypted smartphone data.

As a response to the horrific act of terrorism that killed more than 120 people in Paris last week, the head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recommended that U.S. wiretapping laws be revised. Tom Wheeler, the current chairman of the FCC, told Congress on Tuesday that it could expand the meaning of “lawful intercept” and make wiretapping more comprehensive to aid law enforcement, according to the Washington Post.

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Volvo Creates The Most Realistic Concept For A Self-Driving Car Yet

It’s not the snazziest self-driving car you’ve ever seen, but it’s grounded in something more important: reality.

We’ve seen self-driving cars that allow your family to play a board game, and offices on wheels that can move board meetings to the highway. We’ve even seen Google’s vehicle that has no wheel, and one that will turn several cars into one long train. But what we’ve seen very little of—in the concept space, at least—is the inevitable: self-driving cars that look like plain old cars.

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Facebook Deploys Safety Check After Nigeria Bombing

The Safety Check feature, used during last week’s attacks in Paris, will be offered by Facebook more regularly in the future.

In a disheartening reminder of how many lives have been lost in the past week, Facebook has activated its Safety Check feature in Nigeria, following a bombing that killed more than 32 people. Safety Check allows individuals located in areas where a disaster has occurred to quickly tell family and friends that they are safe, without making phone calls or sending text messages.

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Google Can Now Stream Select Apps–And Search Their Content

Finally, Google is working with app creators to make content that is exclusive to apps searchable on the web.

Google just made a minor change to its search functionality: It can now search within apps. Starting today, Google’s search engine will index information exclusively contained inside Android apps and will even offer users a chance to stream virtual versions of the apps if they don’t already have them installed.

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