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This AOL-Owned Product Can Track The Ads You Watch On TV–And Target Your Phone

Millennial Media says its technology can send follow-up ads to your phone by monitoring the commercials you watch on television.

An AOL-owned company says it can now send advertisements to users’ smartphones based on the television commercials they watch. The new technology, offered by Millennial Media, extracts data from set-top boxes and anonymously matches it with the viewer’s smartphone.

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Facebook Wants To Help You Avoid Updates About Your Ex Post-Breakup

With a set of new tools, Facebook is finally making it less weird to get dumped.

Like it or not, we live our lives on Facebook. Even if we’re not glued to the social network day in and day out, it’s where most people chronicle life’s milestones: birthdays, new jobs, weddings, and new babies. (Lots and lots of babies.) But as we all know, life isn’t just about job promotions and newborns. A lot of bad stuff happens too, and quite often, that’s where things start to get weird on Facebook.

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Jack Dorsey: “I Believe That The Square Wallet Experience Was The Peak”

Speaking to Re/code, Square CEO Jack Dorsey said the ill-fated Square Wallet could make a comeback.

Square Wallet, the digital wallet from mobile payments company Square that allowed people to pay with just their name, may not stay dead for long. During an interview with Re/code on Thursday, Square CEO Jack Dorsey hinted that his company may resurrect the defunct Square Wallet, which was pulled last year after failing to be adopted by consumers and vendors.

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What The Nursing Crisis Can Teach Any Industry About Employee Satisfaction

Nurses face low pay, long hours, and little recognition. What an industry in crisis can teach us about building a better workplace.

Not enough pay, long hours, an unmanageable workload, not enough staff, and lack of support from management. These frustrations are common among many workers, regardless of their industry or job level. They form the root cause of why so many U.S. workers are disengaged.

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How This Startup Solves Our Too-Much-Data Problem

Using lessons from quantum computing and music, Teraki claims to cut data torrents from our sensor-bedecked world by up to 90%.

Smart thermostats like Google’s Nest report the temperature and can be controlled online. Fitness bands like the Fitbit Surge beam your steps, heart rate, and other fitness data to a smartphone and on to the cloud. Machines ranging from car engines to power plant turbines have sensors that measure things like vibration and temperature to ascertain if they are operating properly and predict if one’s headed for a breakdown.

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“It’s Making A List . . . ” IBM’s Watson Will Predict This Holiday’s Top Gifts

Is there anything it can’t do? IBM’s Watson system has a few ideas about what you might be buying this holiday season.

IBM’s Watson platform has another new side project: making holiday gift predictions. The company is releasing a new iPhone app called IBM Watson Trend, which they claim can predict which gifts are most likely to sell out at stores and e-commerce sites. While aimed at helping consumers, the app also shows the investment IBM has been putting into expanding Watson into the business world.

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