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How One Designer Took His First Product All The Way To Bed, Bath, & Beyond

Apparently, the hours between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. can be extremely productive.

As the former Executive Creative Director of CNN, Andy Bergmann has designed websites, data visualizations, and even one cult hit iPhone game. But he’d never created a physical product before the SpoonStar. It’s a teaspoon/tablespoon set molded into a single cross, intended to be a more elegant solution than jiggling for the right measuring spoon on a ring.

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How Airbnb Plans To Become A Community-Driven Superbrand

Airbnb CMO Jonathan Mildenhall talks about far how the brand has come and where he hopes it’s going.

When Airbnb hired Jonathan Mildenhall as CMO in early 2014, he was VP integrated marketing communication and design excellence for Coca-Cola North America, a role that would hitherto have been considered one of the best in marketing, perhaps the pinnacle of a career. He chose to move to Airbnb. The reasons he did so crystallize the fundamental shifts in marketing caused by the digital revolution.

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Like An American Girl: Going Beyond The Doll For A More Empowering Image

The brand is hoping more content, new products in health, beauty, and cookware, and events will bring girls together.

There’s a pretty big movement in pop culture right now that’s taking an inspired swipe at gender issues and stereotypes, whether it’s the rise of Amy Schumer, the new Ghostbusters, the new Thor, the launch of Vice’s Broadly, or the record-breaking popularity of the women’s world cup, the signs are everywhere and the momentum continues.

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“The Diary Of A Teenage Girl” And The Necessary Audacity Of Creative Confidence

First-time writer/director Marielle Heller opens up about learning to have total faith in her creative vision despite what anyone may think.

Some of the greatest masterpieces never made are doomed to occupy a negative space of perpetual possibility. Talent and vision, as crucial as they may be, are only part of the equation. True artists also need the audacity to explode their talent and vision onto a seemingly indifferent world.

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Uber Is Even Bigger Than You Realize

Fast Company‘s exclusive profile of CEO Travis Kalanick reveals that the ride-hailing app serves 2 million rides per day.

Just five years in, Uber is the most valuable startup in the world, worth more than $50 billion after its most recent round of funding. It’s arguably the quickest to scale as well, and the ride-hailing company doesn’t show signs of slowing down: An exclusive new profile of CEO Travis Kalanick in Fast Company discloses that Uber drivers now make a whopping 2 million rides per day across the world.

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Google Wanted To Invest In Uber So Badly, It Gave CEO Travis Kalanick A Blank Term Sheet

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick was given carte blanche by Google Ventures president Bill Maris, a Fast Company feature reveals.

In late 2010, Uber found itself at the mercy of San Francisco city officials, who claimed it was running as an unlicensed taxi company. At the time, Uber was still operating under its original name, Ubercab, which the city argued was false marketing. CEO Travis Kalanick acted fast, clarifying that it was a technology company and trimming down the name to just Uber—and from there on out, despite the continued misgivings of taxi industry types, there was no stopping him.

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Why Uber CEO Travis Kalanick Is Betting Big On Self-Driving Cars

“You can’t call yourself a technology company if you’re resisting technological progress.”

As Uber continues to expand its carpooling service and make forays abroad, CEO Travis Kalanick believes the next natural step for his company—albeit an ambitious, far-off one—is to make its cars autonomous. Fast Company‘s new cover story reports that each shared self-driving car could supplant up to 10 regular cars—and in a city with public transportation, introducing driverless cars could cut the number of vehicles on the road by 65% during peak hours.

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AdBlock Launches Ad-Free Mobile Browser For Android And iOS

Just in time for Apple’s annual event, AdBlock unveils an ad-free browser.

The mobile advertisement-blocking wars took an interesting turn today: Anti-advertising software provider AdBlock just released a browser that blocks ads for Android and iOS. This means that AdBlock, a small company best known for their AdBlock Plus product, beat Apple to producing a mobile browser with the ability to remove mobile ads from users’ experiences.

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Can Apple Breathe New Life Into The iPad?

Five years after reinventing the tablet market, the iPad has grown stale while the competition keeps innovating.

I don’t know about you, but I’m in desperate need of some new gadgets. My 2011-era MacBook Pro just doesn’t pack the same punch when I’m editing video, and the battery of my screen-shattered (and now tiny-feeling) iPhone 5s feels like it barely lasts a few hours before needing a charge. My phone contract is up and I’m ready for whatever Apple announces on Wednesday.

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