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Apple Acquired Faceshift, The Company Behind The Motion Capture In Star Wars

Faceshift’s software enhances Apple’s existing portfolio of facial recognition and augmented reality technology.

Apple just made an unexpected purchase: The tech giant has acquired Faceshift, the startup responsible for the motion capture technology used to make characters in the new Star Wars movie look more realistic, TechCrunch reports. Apple has not disclosed how much it spent on the Zurich-based company, but TechCrunch reports that “several Faceshift employees are now working for Apple now out of Europe.”

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Today in Tabs: The Internet Is Bad, Let’s Make Stuffing!

It’s almost Thanksgiving, so get stuffed!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and while it may be a holiday rooted in colonialism, conquest, and racist exploitation, that describes literally everything else about America too. Thanksgiving is also a holiday where the only point is to eat a big meal and be with people you love, or, failing that, your family. There’s no religious component, no endless rituals to observe, you just get together and eat until you feel sick. And in my opinion, that’s a hard holiday to dislike.

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Is A Higher-Paying Job Worth Extra Stress?

You love your job, but you’re offered a 50% raise to work somewhere with a stressful work culture. What should you do?

It’s an unfortunate balance that many of us debate: a high paying job or one with a good work-life balance. In an ideal world you could have both, but that’s not the reality for most people.

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