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Instagram Security Flaws Lead To War Of Words Between Facebook and Hacker

Allegations of a dust-up over Instagram leads to a rare public look at the tech industry’s use of “bug bounties” to identify security flaws.

A security researcher’s discovery and publicizing of Instagram security flaws has lead to a war of words with Facebook. As reported by industry publication Threatpost, the researcher accused Facebook of hinting at legal and criminal action after he posted on a blog about security vulnerabilities on the system—and that he cracked employee accounts and passwords in the process.

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Target Reportedly Plans To Match Walmart Pay With Its Own Mobile Wallet

A mobile wallet exclusively for Target could come as early as next year—and prove a formidable rival to both Walmart Pay and Apple Pay.

Target knows what it wants for Christmas: its very own mobile wallet. Reuters reports that the big-box retailer is developing its own mobile wallet, which could feasibly compete with offerings from Apple, Android, and Samsung—as well as the recently announced Walmart Pay. No time frame has been attached to the project, which is believed to still be in early stages.

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Gillette Is Suing Dollar Shave Club For Patent Infringement

The razor industry’s dominant player claims Dollar Shave Club’s razors are in violation of a 2004 Gillette patent.

Gillette, a behemoth in the razor market, is putting the screws to popular e-commerce upstart Dollar Shave Club, in an attempt to curb its razor sales altogether. A suit filed by Gillette in federal court on Thursday alleges that Dollar Shave Club’s razors infringe on a patent it has held since 2004; Gillette has requested an injunction to bar Dollar Shave Club from selling the razors.

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