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How You’ll Search For A Job In 2016

You’ll be able to create your own position, apply over social media, work from any city, interview over video, and more.

Many people take the New Year as an opportunity to start fresh in a new job. The good news is that there will be plenty of openings to suit a wide range of seekers as CareerBuilder reports that over 100 occupations in the U.S. have more job posting activity than hiring month to month and a recent report from a record 78% of hiring managers anticipate more hiring in the first half of 2016 compared to the second half of 2015.

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Inside PayPal’s Command Center

What does it take to keep PayPal running smoothly? Lots of data, techies ready to spring into action, and software that can fix itself.

I’m sitting in the “War Room” at PayPal’s headquarters in San Jose, California, talking to Sri Shivananda, the company’s VP of global platform and infrastructure. Despite the evocative name, it’s just a conference room. But one of its walls is actually a giant window—and what it reveals on the other side of the glass is anything but ordinary.

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The Best And Worst Branding of 2015

From Google and Snoop Dogg to Hillary Clinton and The New School, it’s been an exciting and controversial year in logos and branding.

Leading into an election year, branding always gets red, white, and blue. But candidates’ branding wasn’t the only thing that made a splash in 2015. Google gave us a new logo in 16 years. Sonos visualized as something other than a waveform. Pentagram made a brand of premium weed for Snoop Dogg. (Is this real life?) And, yes, the Hillary Clinton campaign broke the Internet. Here are the best and worst moments in branding in 2015.

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A Heartwarming Look At How Americans Celebrate Christmas

Tacky ornaments included.

You can tell a lot about people by their Christmas decorations. Do they festoon their homes with yards of lights and tacky reindeer? Do they painstakingly recreate a full-scale crèche? Or are they grinches who decide to shun adornment? After Phoenix-based photographer Jesse Rieser caught a glimpse of a 40-foot-tall inflatable Santa in his rear-view mirror, he decided to document the creative—and often garish—displays that commemorate Christmas In America.

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