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Your Must-Listen Podcast Playlist For 2016

Serial was just the beginning: here’s what you should listen to next—helpfully arranged by what you already like.

A recent study by the Pew Research Center revealed that less than half of Americans have ever heard of podcasts, and of those, 17 percent only listen to one show. That’s a shame, because in the wake of the success of creative standard-bearers like Serial and WTF With Marc Maron, there has been an explosion in the number of podcasts. Now, some of the best, brightest, funniest, and most fascinating voices around can only be heard on podcasts.

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Why Adversity Can Be The Best Thing For Your Career

For many an entrepreneur, wholly unglamorous stuff—poverty, chores, embarrassing losses—has been the key to later success.

We speak of looking up to people we admire. And so often, when we look up to successful people in our line of work, it seems like they must have always been at the top. But the reality is so often the very opposite. As Fast Company has learned by interviewing a variety of creative and successful people over the past year, failure often contains the seeds of success. Indeed, some of the most successful people started out at the very, very bottom—in a slum or tiny village, even—and still treasure the lessons they learned from those years.

So if you’ve been stuck at the bottom in some sense in 2015, try looking at it as a blessing in disguise. Here are six ways to embrace and learn from adversity.

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Alibaba Hires Hundreds To Combat Counterfeit Products In The Face Of Blacklist Threat

The Chinese e-commerce giant ups its anti-counterfeit efforts amid threats of being included on the U.S. Notorious Markets blacklist.

Alibaba may best be known as the e-commerce giant that’s kind of a hybrid between Amazon and eBay with a little bit of PayPal mixed in. But the company, (one of Fast Company‘s Most Innovative Companies in 2015 ) has another reputation of which it’s not as proud: a haven for counterfeit products.

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6 Leadership Skills To Help You Navigate Family Holidays

The leadership skills you use every day can help ease holiday friction.

You’ve made it this far, but there are still a couple more days of gatherings and get-togethers before January gets here in all its promise and austerity. Between now and then, you likely have family gatherings, reunions, and cocktail parties. And while that all seems merry and bright, very often these gatherings—coupled with holiday stress, family dynamics, and perhaps a few cocktails—end up tense and awkward.

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