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Twitter Sued For Enabling “Explosive Growth Of ISIS”

The widow of a man killed by ISIS has filed a lawsuit, accusing Twitter of allowing the terrorist group to spread its message.

The widow of a man killed in an attack on a Jordanian police training center filed a lawsuit against Twitter on Wednesday in San Francisco federal court, accusing the company of giving a mouthpiece to terrorist groups like ISIS—which took credit for the attack. The suit argues that ISIS has used Twitter to attract new recruits and to disseminate propaganda, and that the site has “knowingly or with willful blindness” aided terrorists as a result.

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In A Quest For Profitability, Shyp Is Tweaking Its Service And Leaving Miami

Business customers will get additional options. Shippers of bulky items will pay more. And one market is going away.

By any measure, Shyp had an eventful 2015. The on-demand shipping service—which lets you use a smartphone to summon a courier who will take any item off to a Shyp warehouse to be packed up and sent on its way via the most economical option—launched in two new cities, Los Angeles and Chicago. It launched Shyp Returns, a feature designed to simplify sending stuff back to online merchants . It turned its couriers from contractors into full employees. It collected $50 million in funding from investors. And toward the end of the year, it added tools for package recipients as well as senders, became a shipping option on eBay, and gave its branding a thorough makeover.

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How You Can Test One Of Google’s Self-Driving Cars

In a Backchannel post, editor Steven Levy details his experience behind the wheel of one of Google’s self-driving cars.

So you want to take a self-driving car for a spin? Backchannel editor Steven Levy, who had the chance to test out Google’s crop of autonomous vehicles, published a post on Wednesday that pulls back the curtain on the company’s exclusive training center—and reveals how you, too, can get behind the wheel of a Google car.

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The U.S. Government Offers More Details On Its “Moonshot” Effort To Cure Cancer

Following Obama’s bold announcement of an effort to cure cancer, the National Institutes of Health explains how it could work.

One item in President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address this week overshadowed all the others: the announcement of a massive “moonshot” effort, led by Vice President Joe Biden, to cure cancer. Such a bold proclamation naturally begets a few questions, and the government started answering them today in a call with reporters by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which includes the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

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