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These Vibrating Yoga Pants Will Correct Your Downward Dog

The latest project from Wearable Experiments sends haptic feedback in the form of tiny vibrations to improve your form.

Like many other yoga enthusiasts, Billie Whitehouse sometimes struggles with her form. “I never know if I’m doing it right,” she says. “I always love it when the instructor comes and corrects my form.” But yogis practicing alone in the comfort of their living room are left to figure it out for themselves. Whitehouse, the cofounder and CEO of technology company Wearable Experiments, realized she was in a unique position to bridge the gap. So she and her cofounder Ben Moir created Nadi, smart exercise tights that correct a wearer’s alignment using haptic feedback in the form of subtle vibrations.

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Actor And Activist Tim Robbins On The Life-Changing Power Of Empathy

The Academy Award-winning actor discusses his new aid-worker movie, along with his ongoing efforts teaching acting in California prisons.

In A Perfect Day, which opens today, Tim Robbins plays “B,” one of a team of aid workers navigating the Balkan conflict in 1995. When we first meet B, a veteran logistics expert, he is giving a ride to Sophie (Mélanie Thierry), an aid-work rookie. The two are stopped in their tracks by a cow carcass, which B hypothesizes was dragged there to lure drivers into a roadside mine. But is the mine to the left or the right? B solves the problem by speeding recklessly over the carcass itself.

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Meet The Woman Who Discovered 3 Of The 4 New Elements

Dawn Shaughnessy and her team at the Heavy Element group are working to make chemistry class even harder.

There is no element named after her (yet), but Dawn Shaughnessy—a relatively young chemist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory—is one of the more prolific researchers in the small world of scientists who seek to create entirely new entries to the periodic table that most of us learned about in grade school.

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How To Tackle The Ultimate UX Challenge: Legacy Systems

Change is never easy. Here, 4 tips for modernizing old software systems from Adobe’s senior director of experience design.

Designers love a blank canvas. The reason is obvious: They enjoy coming up with an original idea and seeing it through to completion. However, the shiny new object isn’t the biggest UX challenge. For designers who love to geek out on solving sticky problems, redesigning an existing system is the ultimate puzzle.

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Inside NASA’s Plan To Radically Redesign How We Fly

A new wave of aircraft design is emerging—and NASA is helping.

It’s probably been a long time since flying amazed you. Air travel tends to feel like an inconvenience these days—not a miracle of engineering. This is partially due to market forces and security theater. It’s also the fact that aircraft design itself hasn’t changed dramatically in decades.

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214 Subway Systems Combined Into One Worldwide Metro Map

Forget Hyperloop. This subway would take you from Manhattan to Tokyo with just a quick transfer in Paris.

Every subway system feels like its own self-contained world, but what if those worlds were linked? The World Metro Map takes the subway systems of 214 cities across five continents, and unifies them into a single map, so that taking the L-train is just as likely to drop you off in Tokyo or Mumbai as it is in Williamsburg.

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The Crazy, Brilliant Plan For A Huge Hydropower Plant In South America’s Driest Desert

A solar farm will pump seawater up the Andes mountains, so renewable power can be available day and night.

Stuck between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, the Atacama Desert is one of the driest places on Earth. But the area’s weird geography means that it will soon be home to a massive hydropower plant—the first step in a new system that could theoretically provide all of South America with 100% renewable energy.

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