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How Big Is The Gig Economy? The Government Is Finally Going To Find Out

Labor Secretary Tom Perez announced plans to rerun a survey of independent workers for the first time since 2005.

The gig economy has launched a healthy “future of work” panel circuit amid a roaring debate over whether apps like Uber, Postmates, and Handy—which hire an army of independent contractors instead of employees—represent a return to the sweatshop or a new freedom to work when and how one pleases. But all sides of the debate face the same dilemma: When they propose a new policy or launch a new initiative, they have only a vague idea of how many workers it could impact. There is no current government data that specifically catalogs this group of workers.

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How The Tech That Took Away Your Work-Life Balance Is Working To Reinstate It

Chat and project-management platforms like Slack and Basecamp blurred work-life boundaries. Here’s how they are putting them back.

Most of work doesn’t have to be done in an office anymore. And in many situations that’s a good thing. Technology enables remote work when regular routes are shut down (like during a snowstorm). Between a smartphone and home-based WiFi, most workers can at least answer email and get basic stuff done. Add a little Slack chat or Basecamp project management, and many of the daily tasks can be tackled.

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Silicon Valley’s Problem-Solving Bubble

The insanity of gas-delivery startups and what they say about inconvenience inflation.

“Every day, in every way, the things that matter to our lives are coming to us,” begins the pitch for an on-demand fuel startup called WeFuel that is launching on Tuesday. “But there’s something that still forces us to get in our car, fight traffic, and go through a ritual that is more than 100 years old. Filling up our cars with gas.”

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Twitter Has Stopped Showing Ads To Its Most Valuable Users

Move over, blue verified checkmark, an ad-free timeline is the new status symbol.

For years the most coveted status you could attain on Twitter was verification. People who are “verified” by Twitter have a blue checkmark over their profile picture, which means that the social media giant deems you a very important person: a politician, actor, musician, even a journalist (but not all journalists…). Twitter verification was the highest social media status symbol you could attain. Until now…

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Uber Is Now Tracking Its Dangerous Drivers

And using psychological tricks to influence the behavior of passengers, too.

Uber has begun tracking how some of its users drive in order to see if they are operating their vehicles at unsafe speeds or driving aggressively, reveals The Guardian. The paper says that Uber has been tracking potential dangerous drivers in a limited pilot in Houston, Texas since “late 2015.” The Guardian adds that users in Houston weren’t made aware that their driving methods were being tracked and were only notified when Uber needed to access their smartphone data after a customer complaint, although the company’s privacy statement clearly makes drivers aware that Uber logs their trips and has a right to access their geolocation data.

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Now You Can See What It’s Like To Get Behind The Wheel Of Tesla’s Model S

The new video shows off the car’s Autopilot and Summon features.

The great thing about electric vehicles is that many of their features are software-based, which means that your car can gain new capabilities with just a simple download, much the way your smartphone does. To that end, Tesla has released a slick new promo video that shows off some of the features Model S owners will get once they upgrade to Tesla’s version 7.1 software.

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