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The Secret (Internet) Language Of Parents

Between FTM (first-time mom) and SAHD (stay-at-home dads) is a world of language that can be both welcoming and intimidating.

FTM. SAHD. NAK. GOAT.* Are you lost yet? If you don’t understand these acronyms it may be because they have been cultivated by a select group of people. Like the cats who popularized cheezeburgers and LOLs or the shiba inu’s “dogespeak,” which is heavy on the wows, much, and such, parents communicating on the web have created their own slang, replete with abbreviations and hashtags.

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Obama’s Cancer Cure Initiative Must First Survive His Presidency

The administration’s Cancer Moonshot will just start coming together as they leave office, but Republicans can keep it going.

When President John F. Kennedy made his moonshot speech in September 1962, he thought he had at least two years left in office—over six if he got reelected. Plus, his party controlled Congress, giving him even more power to reach that goal. President Obama announced his moonshot to cure cancer (to be headed by VP Joe Biden) in his final State of the Union address. This week the administration revealed in a memorandum that the program may not be fully fleshed out until the final weeks of Obama’s second term—with Republicans likely still holding Congress and perhaps entering the White House.

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