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Dr. Phil Explains Why The Audience Is King

The first step in becoming successful? Listening to your audience.

Bryan Elliott recently sat down with Dr. Phil and asked him to trace the evolution of his success. The reason Dr. Phil believes he was able to be so successful? He made it a point to listen to his audience. Watch this, and find out why the audience is key and how they will communicate what they’re most interested in, so you can shape the content around their interests. Do you agree? Let us know at #BehindTheBrand.

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How To Become The Most Well-Liked Person In The Office

Building better relationships with your coworkers can do more for your career than just making your workday more pleasant.

You may not think being popular among your peers should be among your top work priorities, but being the most liked person in the office can impact your success. Likable people are more likely to have wider social networks to call upon. Plus, the relationships you have with the people you work with can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one.

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